Weekly Horoscopes June 8, 2020

Horoscopes for the Sun and Ascendant Signs
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Aries, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by friendships, closure, and new beginnings. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


Taurus, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by career, friendships, and closure. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


Gemini, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by philosophy, career, and friendships. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


Cancer, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by intimacy, philosophy, and friendships. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


Leo, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by partnerships, intimacy, and philosophy. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


Virgo, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by service, partnerships, and intimacy. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


Libra, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by romance, service, and partnerships. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


Scorpio, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by home, romance, and service. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


Sagittarius, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by communication, home, and romance. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


Capricorn, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by finances, communication, and the home. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


Aquarius, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by new beginnings, finances, and communication. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


Pisces, we're in for a brief week astrologically with a majority of the planetary activity coming from the Moon transiting the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries activating the areas of your chart ruled by closure, new beginnings, and finances. Expect to explore these themes more thoroughly as the Moon changes signs every two and a half days. On Thursday the Sun in Gemini forms a square to Neptune in Pisces which can lead to issues of deception, escapism, and low self worth. Our physical vitality may be at a low point; we may also struggle with addictions or another form of spiritual crisis. Be cautious in dealings with others as it may prove untruthful.
Ending the week on Saturday Mars occults Neptune in Pisces where our drive and ambitions may be dissipated. There is a dissolving of boundaries and ego that occurs and we may feel low energetically. Sex may become deceptive or possess transcendental otherworldly experience. Our good nature may also be easily taken advantage of if too charitable, so be cautious we aren't being exploited in some way.


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