Weekly Horoscopes February 4, 2019

Horoscopes for the Sun and Ascendant Signs
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Aries, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by friendships and acquaintances. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by closure and healing. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


Taurus, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by career and one's reputation. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by friendships and acquaintances. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


Gemini, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by philosophy and religiousness. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by career and one's reputation. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


Cancer, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by intimacy and shared assets. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by philosophy and religiousness. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


Leo, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by marriage and partnerships. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by intimacy and shared assets. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


Virgo, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by service and daily routine. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by marriage and partnerships. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


Libra, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by romance and creativity. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by service and daily routine. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


Scorpio, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by home and permanent endings. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by romance and creativity. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


Sagittarius, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by communication and transportation. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by home and permanent endings. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


Capricorn, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by finances and one's earning ability. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by communication and transportation. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


Aquarius, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by new beginnings and the physical body. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by finances and one's earning ability. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


Pisces, your week astrologically begins with on Monday the New Moon in Aquarius at 15°45' bringing about a new six-month cycle of events related to the area of your chart ruled by closure and healing. Expect for these new beginnings to reach their culmination with the coinciding Full Moon as the Sun transits Leo. You will want to check your natal chart at 15° to see how the New Moon will affect you personally. On Thursday the Sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing opportunities for growth, expansion, and travel. Luck and optimism bring a renewed sense of faith and direction for the future - philosophical reform may also be emphasized at this time.
On Friday Mercury in Aquarius forms a sextile to both Mars and Uranus in Aries leading to stimulating encounters and unexpected occurences. Socialization and experimentation at this time as favored, as there is a supportive energy facilitating the achievement of one's aims. Ending the week Mercury enters the sign of Pisces redirecting mental activity to the area of your chart ruled by new beginnings and the physical body. Expect the stimulating influence of Mercury here for the next few weeks.


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