Weekly Horoscopes June 5, 2017

Horoscopes for the Sun and Ascendant Signs
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Aries, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering Taurus, your second house of resources, possessions, values, earning ability, and financial affairs. After spending four months in your sign redeveloping your brand, you are now entering a phase of seeking more security within yourself, your finances, and in relationships with others. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Gemini, your third house of communication, transportation, short trips and travel, mental skills, learning ability, primary education, siblings, and the conscious and objective mind. Mercury is right at home in the third house and your mental abilities are on prowess. You are likely to experience information overload at this time - your mind will be especially inquisitive and prone to distraction. This is an especially busy time for Aries, and highly productive for running errands, phone calls, and interaction with your immediate surroundings. On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your seventh house of marriage and partnerships, and any persisting issues in relationships, legal matters, and disputes with the public should ease. On the same day, there is a full moon in Sagittarius at 18°53', your ninth house of philosophy, higher consciousness, ideals, ethics, religion, intuition, spirituality, visions, higher learning, mental study, long distance travel, grandchildren, in-laws, and foreign affairs. You may experience a crisis of faith as your beliefs may be tested. A hand may fold that increases the mobility of your adventurous side. During the full moon, Venus in Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Cancer in your fourth house of home, family, land, property, and endings and beginnings. This is an optimal time for socializing, attracting romance, and indulging your creative, playful side. Aries is socially lubricated, and a sex & money magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering Capricorn, your tenth house of status, reputation, fame, profession, community standing, the ego, achievements, honors, and promotions. There is a stronger need for the recognition for your efforts, as you feel especially sensitive to your reputation and social standing.


Taurus, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering your sign, your first house of new beginnings, natural disposition, the physical body, and one's primary outlook on life. This starts a new Venus cycle and is a sociable and outgoing time for you, as well as a little self-indulgence and time for improving one's appearance. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Gemini, your second house of resources, possessions, values, earning ability, financial affairs, self-worth, and financial gains or losses. This is a prosperous time for you to analyze your spending habits and earning power in order to bring in new money-making revenues. Financial gain comes through practical conversations now.
On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your sixth house of work and employment, and any persisting issues pertaining to your work, self-improvement, and health ease up. You may significantly improve your financial situation in successful hirings if you are in a position of authority, or find new employment at this time. On the same day, there is a full moon in Sagittarius at 18°53', your eighth house of sex, death, shared assets, and self-regeneration. There is a need to balance between intake and exertion of your time and assets. You may be on the giving or receiving end of financial support at this time. On the full moon, Venus in your sign forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Cancer in your third house of communication. Taurus is socially lubricated, and a sex & money magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering Capricorn, your ninth house of philosophy, higher consciousness, ideals, ethics, religion, intuition, spirituality visions, higher learning, mental study, long distance travel, and foreign affairs. Physical, mental, and spiritual freedom are emphasized at this time.


Gemini, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering Taurus, your twelfth house of endings, completions, sorrows, hidden talents, and self-undoing. You may be feeling socially withdrawn and emotionally distant, experience karmic encounters, or start a relationship in secrecy. On Tuesday, Mercury enters your sign, ruling new beginnings, your natural disposition, the physical body, and one's primary outlook on life. Your self expression is intellectual, you are sharp and directly express your needs and interests. Your word is your will at this time.
On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your fifth house of romance, creativity, and children, and any persisting issues regarding love and self expression should lift. On the same day, there is a full moon in Sagittarius at 18°53', your seventh house of marriage, partnerships, contracts, and dealings with the public. Your valued partnerships may be tested at this time, ultimately bringing you to deeper connections in your one-on-one relationships. On the full moon, Venus in Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Cancer in your second house of resources and assets. Gemini is socially lubricated, and a sex & money magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering Capricorn, your eighth house of sex, death, rebirth, and self-regeneration. There is a need for deeper experiences and emotional bonding, and tend to be more withdrawn at this time.


Crab, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering Taurus, your eleventh house of friends, acquaintances, hopes, dreams, love received, humanitarian interests, and events beyond one's control. You may find new romance through friendships, or begin dating someone you have been in a pre-existing friendship with. You are feeling more optimistic, and embrace your individuality at this time. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Gemini, your twelfth house of endings and completions, and you will be more focused on private matters and past issues. Creative ventures may flourish as you redirect your energy inwards, generally in solitude as you should caution against secrets being revealed during communication with others at this time.
On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your fourth house of home and family, and persisting issues in these areas should lift. On the same day, there is a full moon in Sagittarius at 18°53', your sixth house of work, service, employment, health, diet, hygiene, clothing, and personal habits. You may release bad habits previously inhibiting you, take up a new exercise regimen, or begin or complete work projects. On the full moon, Venus in Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in your sign. Cancer is socially lubricated, and a sex & money magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering Capricorn, your seventh house of marriage, partnerships, contracts, the public, cooperation  with others, personal agents, open enemies, and grandparents. Your closest interpersonal relationships are emphasized at this time with a deep longing for intimate bonding.


Leo, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering Taurus, your tenth house of status, reputation, fame, profession, and community standing. You may be attracted to older, more successful, and stable types. You may meet a potential partner through your career, or other authority figures. This is a highly creative time for your work and landing favorable first-impressions. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Gemini, your eleventh house of friendships, acquaintances, hopes and dreams, love received, and circumstances beyond one's control. You are more apt to positive encounters in conversation, and others perceive you as sharp and witty.
On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your third house of communication, transportation, short trips, mental skills, learning ability, primary education neighbors and siblings, and any persisting areas of difficulty in these areas should lift. On the same day, there is a full moon in Sagittarius at 18°53', your fifth house of romance and children. There is a need for self expression, fun, and creativity. A romantic relationship may reach greater, more intimate heights. On the full moon, Venus in Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Cancer in your twelfth house of hidden talents and secrets. Leo is socially lubricated, and a sex & money magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering Capricorn, your sixth house of work, service, employment, health, diet, hygiene, and personal habits. You will have your nose to the grindstone at this time as your service demands your efforts over the coming few days.


Virgo, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering Taurus, your ninth house of religion, philosophy, higher consciousness, religion, morals, intuition, higher learning, and mental study. You may encounter a spiritual guru, or someone who inspires a deeper longing for spiritual freedom and consciousness expansion within yourself. Writing and public speaking are a conducive outlet for this restless energy. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Gemini, your tenth house of status, reputation, fame, profession, and community standing. You are more in contact with those in a position of authority, and are making a public standing of your own. You may be prone to excess worry over your reputation or duties.
On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your second house of resources, finances, possessions, values, earning ability, and financial affairs, and any persisting issues in these areas seem to resolve themselves. On the same day, there is a full moon in Sagittarius at 18°53', your fourth house of home, family, property, and endings and beginnings. There is a need to balance work life with that of the home. On the full moon, Venus in Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Cancer in your eleventh house of friendships. Virgo is socially lubricated, and a sex & money magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering Capricorn, your fifth house of romance, courtship, creativity, and children. You are feeling more outgoing, seeking adventure, and self expression flows more easily. There is an increased desire for pleasure and to showcase creative abilities.


Libra, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering Taurus, your eighth house of sex, death, rebirth, shared assets, and self regeneration. You may be attracted to deep, penetrating, transformational individuals, with your sex drive running high. Cathartic sexual encounters are likely. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Gemini, your ninth house of philosophy, higher consciousness, religion, spirituality, higher learning and long distance travel. You seek spiritual and mental expansion, and more focused on higher order than the mundane.
On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your sign, and any persisting issues hindering your self development may resolve themselves. On the same day, there is a full moon in Sagittarius at 18°53', your third house of communication, transportation, short trips, mental skills, learning ability, primary education, and siblings. You may have a string of mundane tasks that are requiring your attention and completion. On the full moon, Venus in Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Cancer in your tenth house of fame, career, and public standing. Libra is lubricated socially, and a sex & money magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering Capricorn, your fourth house of home and family, property, beginnings and endings. Domestic affairs require your attention as you prefer to nest inside of yourself for the next few days.


Scorpio, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering Taurus, your seventh house of marriage, partnerships, contracts, agreements, the public, cooperation with others, open enemies, and grandparents. Your desire to merge with another will be stronger at this time, as it is likely you will forge new partnerships at this time. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Gemini, your eighth house of sex, death, rebirth, and self regeneration. Your intuition is guiding you at this time leading you to better partnerships and shared resources.
On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your twelfth house of endings and completions, self undoing, hidden talents, secrets, confinement, and the subconscious, and any restrictions involving 'behind the scenes' matters should lift. On the same day, there is a full moon in Sagittarius at 18°53', your second house of resources, possessions, values, earning ability, and financial affairs. The need for balance between shared resources is illuminated at this time. On the full moon, Venus in Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Cancer in your ninth house of long distance travel, foreign affairs, higher consciousness, philosophy and religion. Scorpio is socially lubricated, and a sex & money magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering Capricorn, your third house of communication, transportation, neighbors, siblings, and short distance travel. You may be busier running errands and in sustained interaction with your immediate surroundings at this time.


Sagittarius, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering Taurus, your sixth house of work, service, routine, health, hygiene, and pets. You may meet a potential partner through your work, or implement a creative approach to work projects. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Gemini, your seventh house of marriage, partnerships, contracts, cooperation from others, open enemies, the public, and grandparents. There is emphasis on communication in your partnerships and your closest interpersonal relationships at this time.
On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your eleventh house of friendships, acquaintances, hopes and dreams, love received, humanitarian efforts, and events beyond one's control, and any hinderances in community or group efforts should resolve themselves now. On the same day, there is a full moon in your sign at 18°53', ruling new beginnings, the physical body, and one's primary outlook on life. On the full moon, Venus in Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Cancer in your eighth house of sex, death, rebirth, and self regeneration. Sagittarius is socially lubricated, and a sex & money magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering Capricorn, your second house of resources, possessions, values, earning ability, and financial affairs. You focus will be redirected towards financial security and the status quo at this time.


Goat, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering Taurus, your fifth house of love, romance, pleasure, creativity, children, and amusements. You are drawn to creative types, and seek to reconnect with your inner child, creative passions, and romantic self. It's an opportune time for beginning any new relationships or creative projects. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Gemini, your sixth house of service given, employment, health, diet, hygiene, clothing, pets, and personal habits. Mercury is the natural ruler of the sixth house, with streamlining and efficiency emphasized regarding your daily routine. On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your tenth house of fame, reputation, career, public standing, promotion, authority, and prestige, with any persisting issues in these areas apt to resolve themselves now. On the same day, there is a full moon in Sagittarius at 18°53', your twelfth house of endings and completions. There is a strong desire for solitude, to release any inhibiting addictions or behavioral patterns, or to process any secrecy that may be revealed at this time. On the full moon, Venus in Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Cancer in your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. Capricorn is socially lubricated, and a sex & money magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering your sign and with the lunar spotlight on you ruling new beginnings, one's physical body, and primary outlook on life your focus is outward-oriented, and your word is your will at this time.


Aquarius, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering Taurus, your fourth house of home, family, property, endings and completions. This is a good time for redecorating your home and nourishing family ties. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Gemini, your fifth house of romance, creativity, courtship, and children. Your thinking becomes more creative, and centered on pleasure, amusements, and children. Your self expression is at its peak.
On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your ninth house of religion, philosophy, higher education, and long distance travel and any persisting issues in these areas are apt resolve themselves. On the same day, there is a full moon in Sagittarius at 18°53', your eleventh house of friendships, acquaintances, hopes and dreams, love received, humanitarian efforts, and circumstances beyond one's control. You may be drawn to group encounters after a brief period of isolation, surrounded by friends that may need your support at this time. On the full moon, Venus in Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Cancer in your sixth house of work, health, diet, and daily routine. Aquarius is socially lubricated, and a sex & money magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering Capricorn, your twelfth house of endings, completions, hidden talents, secrets, and sorrows. You may feel the need to retreat for a few days to prepare for the Moon entering your sign next week.


Pisces, your weekly horoscope begins with Venus entering Taurus, your third house of communication, transportation, short distance travel, mental skills, learning ability, and siblings. You attract intellectually stimulating conversations with potential partners, and find communication pleasurable. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Gemini, your fourth house of home and family, property, land, and endings and completions. Your home life becomes busier, with more sustained mental efforts regarding domestic affairs and family.
On Friday, Jupiter ends its four-month backspin in your eighth house of sex, death, rebirth, shared assets, and self regeneration, and find any persisting issues in these areas apt to resolve themselves. On the same day, there is a full moon in Sagittarius at 18°53', your tenth house of fame, reputation, career, public standing, authority figures, and business activities. An opportunity for career advancement or need to display your leadership skills is needed. On the full moon, Venus in Taurus forms a harmonious aspect with Mars in Cancer in your fifth house of romance and creativity. Pisces is lubricated socially, and a money & sex magnet to boot.
Your week ends with the Moon entering Capricorn, your eleventh house of friendships, acquaintances, hopes and dreams, love received, humanitarian interests, and events beyond one's control. You may be drawn to social gatherings and networking, or pre-occupied with your social standing at this time.


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